Here's a selection of articles about being a parent working in dance from across the globe.
Happy to add more recommendations! Contact me.
10 years and counting: participating in dance as a parent
People Dancing
Lucy McCrudden, Founder/CEO Dance Mama reflects on the position of parents in dance from her time in training through to the latest developments of the award-winning non-profit company she founded to support dance professionals who are parents through activities, events mentoring and research.
Identity crisis and talent loss: impacts of pregnancy and caring responsibilities on freelance mothers in dance
One Magazine,
One Dance UK
Professor Angela Pickard summarises her latests findings for PiPA Campaign supported by Dance Professionals Fund.
Link to full exec summary here
Surfing the raging sea: pregnancy and motherhood in dance during a pandemic
Taylor & Francis Online
Professor Ali Duffy (Texas Tech University, USA) writes her findings on being a parent in dance during the pandemic.
Professor Ali Duffy has contributed her story on Dance Mama which you can read here.
She is also a founding member of the International Parenting And Dance Network which you can find out about here.
MARCH 2023
Acknowledgment of Dance Mama Support from Scottish Ballet Principal
The Sunday Post
Bethany Kingsley-Garner speaks to The Sunday Post about her return to dance and how Dance Mama played a role in her transition back on stage.
(image: Bethany Kingsley-Garner, Principal, Scottish Ballet, featured in our film.
DEC 2022
Dance Mama Supports Professional Dancing Parents in the UK
Dance Magazine US
Julia Mary Register speaks to our Founder, Lucy McCrudden, about how Dance Mama supports parents in dance.
(image: Bethany Kingsley-Garner, Principal, Scottish Ballet, featured in our film.
JUNE 2022
Portfolio Professionals - an update from Dance Mama
Portfolio Professionals
Lucy McCrudden
As an arts case study in the third edition of 'Building A Portfolio Career' (Adrian Bourne, Christopher Lyons & Colin McCrudden), Lucy gives an update on how her portfolio has evolved over the pandemic.
MAY 2021
Patter of tiny feet: dancers on leaping into motherhood
The Guardian
Lyndsey Winship speaks to #DanceMama Elizabeth Harrod, Lauren Cuthbertson, Bobbi Jean Smith, Temitope Ajose-Cutting, Kate Prince and Colette Hansford about their parenting experiences, supporting parents and the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Ballerinas with bumps: Elizabeth Harrod and Laura McCulloch on the challenges of balancing dancing and motherhood
Chris Shipman
Head of Brand Engagement & Soical Media
The Royal Opera House
Chris interviews two Soloists - one a new mother and the other expecting - on the challenge of juggling two hugely exhausting but rewarding jobs.
10 APRIL 2015

Does the dance industry lose its female dancer leaders to Motherhood?
Belinda Lee Chapman
Fellow of The Arts Foundation /Dance UK Mentoring Programme 2015
Belinda explores her experience as a parent in dance and the effect this experience has on her peers and colleagues career advancement in the dance industry.
Belinda is also a featured story.